Plan & Billing

The Article guides on handling payments, plan management, billing updates, and accessing transaction details.

Knorish helps you grow your business with all modes of easy online payments and tailored plan choices available on the platform. 

Renew/Upgrade Your Plan 

Check and Compare Plan Features


Past Invoices


Renew/Upgrade Your Plan 

If you are the primary account owner of your Knorish Account, you can renew/upgrade your plan in Dashboard > Plan & Billing by following these steps:

  1. In your Knorish Dashboard sidebar, select Plan & Billing.
  2. Under Plan & Billing, you can either click on Check Plan Features, Renew/Update, Billing/GST/Invoices, and Billing FAQs.

Check and Compare Plan Features

In order to check your plan features and compare them with other plans, you can find the same under Plan & Billing.

  • Go inside the Dashboard> Plan & Billing
  • Click on Check Plan Features


In order to manage Billing/GST/Address, Payment Methods, and Billing History for your subscription. Here are the steps : 


  • Click on the Billing/GST/Invoices button
  • Update the address

Payment Methods

  • Click on the Billing/GST/Invoices button
  • Click on payment methods

  • Credit Card

  • Netbanking

By setting up AutoPay, your renewals are automatic, freeing you from worrying about renewal dates.  Here's how it goes :  

While without an AutoPay setup, you'll need to manually renew your subscription. 

Billing History

Click on Billing History to Download Invoices


Past Invoices

Located in Plans & billing, under publisher billing the 'Billing & Invoices' is underlined where you can view your Account billing history.

For every transaction, you'll see the Order ID, Order date, Payment date, Total amount, Total discount, Payable amount, and Actions. The Actions tab includes a download button to download the receipts. Here're the steps to check transaction history and download invoices: 

1. On your Knorish Dashboard sidebar, select Plan & Billing
2. Click on Billing and Invoices underlined
3. Click on the export button to download all the Transaction History
4. Click on the action button to download a particular Invoice Entry