The payment has been received. However, the course is not yet assigned to the user. How can I fix this?

There might be times when the payment is done from the student’s end. However, the course doesn’t get assigned to him. In this article, we’ll show you how to troubleshoot this error in the backend.

Why does it happen?

Sometimes (in rare cases) due to bank and gateway communication gaps, a payment could get stuck in the middle.

  1. Go to Users on your dashboard
  2. Select the name of the student 
  3. Go to Orders> Course
  4. Click on the green icon under Actions 
  5. You may see the appropriate update
  6. If the payment is received, click on the green icon

Important Considerations: 

The course will get assigned without any additional effort on your part by clicking on the green icon if the payment has been received. 

If you are using webhook, you don’t actually need this entire manual effort.