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How to track signup events or create custom events when a user registers?

This guide is designed to assist you in efficiently tracking signup events or custom events when users signup/register on your Knorish website.

This part necessitates a high level of proficiency in managing tags, parameters, and a basic understanding of JavaScript. Incorrect configurations might impact the user's signup/register process. The sample code provided is generated from Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel, but you can also generate tracking code from other third-party platforms based on your needs.

Now, let's break it down into easy-to-follow steps.

  • Login to publisher dashboard
  • Go to the Website builder section, then select Custom code, and finally, click on the signup tracking tab.
  • Now paste your tracking code

Sample Google Analytics Tracking

Here is a sample code that you can use for tracking signups. Make sure to replace all placeholders within curly braces so that they are sent to Google Analytics along with the event data. It's important to note that in the following tracking code, we are creating a custom event named "signup_on_knorish_site".

Once you add the tracking code, the events along with their data will begin appearing on the Google Analytics dashboard.

This simple step will allow you to begin tracking all signups on your Knorish website.

[Sample] Google Analytics code - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/knorish/tracking-code/main/global-signup-tracking-google-analytics.txt

Sample Facebook Pixel Tracking

Here is a sample code that you can use for tracking signups. Make sure to replace all placeholders within curly braces so that they are sent to Facebook Pixel along with the event data. It's important to note that in the following tracking code, we are creating a custom event named "signup_on_knorish_site".

Once you add the tracking code, the events along with their data will begin appearing on the Facebook Pixel dashboard. It may take upto 30 mins to display data on Facebook Pixel dashboard.

[Sample] Facebook Pixel code - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/knorish/tracking-code/main/global-signup-tracking-facebook-pixel.txt